New Year’s Resolutions – Use Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

New Year’s Resolutions – Use Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

More and more people are becoming aware of the harm that chemical cleaning products can cause to not only the environment, but to our health too. New year is the perfect time to make the decision to ditch the commercial cleaners and take up cleaning with eco-friendly or homemade cleaning products. If you have a cleaner who comes in to do your home, fear not, most domestic cleaners will use what you ask them to, and at Flower Maid cleaning agency our cleaners favour more natural non-toxic cleaning products.

You might ask – I want to switch to eco-friendly cleaning products, but where do I start? This is a good question, and one that has an easy answer. Decide whether to use up, give away or throw away (in the recommended manner) the chemical cleaners that you have left in your home. If it is your New Year’s Resolution to go eco-friendly and non-toxic in the home then it is best to start the new year on the right foot and not have chemical nasties in the house.

Next, decide if you prefer to buy or make your own natural cleaning products, it is entirely up to you. Non-toxic home cleaning products are readily available in the shops, and some supermarkets even have their own brands at competitive prices. If you decide you want to make your own, then make a list of the items you will need to get started – white vinegar, baking soda, and whatever else your recipes call for. A plastic spray bottle is useful, and also any other bottles for keeping homemade solutions in.

If you do not want to make the switch completely then this is fine too. Just by changing some of your regular cleaning solutions to safer and more natural alternatives will have a good positive effect on your health and the environment too.